Welcoming church · Place of worship · All Inclusive ·
Open & affirming to all people
There's Always Something Going On
Our church is more than just Sunday worship. There’s a whole lot happening with our community throughout the week. We hold gatherings and events, with special get-togethers for families, kids and new members.
Celebrate Recovery
Thursdays Nights

From 6 to 9 PM
Large Group starts at 6:00-7:00 followed by
Small Group 7:00-8:00 followed by
Cross Talk Café 8:00-9:00
A Christian Based Recovery of Hurts, Hang-ups, Habits. Discover HOPE and CHANGE in your life through Christ. For more information email us at
Look for more updates coming soon!
Women of Grace

3rd Wednesdays
at 5:30 PM
The Women of Grace come together to discuss matters of importance to the women of the church on a local as well as regional and national level. We also have a time for learning and fellowship.
The women aren't meeting presently, but look forward to the time when we can!
St. Mark's Baby Room
Open 9-1 PM, except 5th Wednesdays when they are closed
If you know someone in need of baby items, direct them to the Baby Room in the Sunday School wing on Wednesdays.

Girl Scouts
2nd & 4th Saturdays
Troop 7029
meets 10-12 noon
The troop is looking for girls interested in scouting, especially Daisies.
If you are interested or have questions, please contact Troop Leader, Elaine, at 325.721.1899 or mellaneherweck@aol.com
Women's Bible Study Group
2-3:30 PM

The women meet on Wednesday afternoons from 2-3:30.
Cub Scout Pack 212 meets on Tuesday nights at 6:00 PM in the Grace Fellowship Hall.
Contact Carl Kieke, 325.673.3552 or kiekec@suddenlink.net for further information.